The “Unhandled” menu is a notification area for all unhandled violations. Common violations such as intellectual property infringement, excessive refund rate, excessive delayed delivery rate, store association, and duplicate distribution are all concentrated here for notification reminders. Click the “Violation” → “Unhandled” menu to see the latest violations.
Violations include many types, and intellectual property infringement is just one of them. If the unhandled violation belongs to the category of intellectual property infringement, there will be the same red digital reminder mark in the “Violation” → “Intellectual Property” menu. Other violations will only have a red digital reminder mark in the “Unhandled” menu.
Click the “View” menu on the right side of the product to see the violation details of the product.
If the violation product is clicked to view the violation details, the product record will no longer be displayed in “Unhandled”. Merchants can only find and view the violation details through the “Violation” → “History” menu.
In addition to violations of intellectual property infringement, common violation types (reasons) can be seen in the “Filter” drop-down option.
There are as many as 29 common types of violations, each of which violates the corresponding Wish policy and has a great impact on the operation of Wish stores. In daily operations, merchants should pay attention to interpreting the policies corresponding to these violations and take effective measures in advance to avoid such violations.
Waiting for administrator
“Waiting for administrator” refers to the status of the violation being processed and submitted by the merchant and waiting for the Wish administrator to review.
Click the “View” button to see the status description of the re-review of the corresponding product.
Historical record
“Historical record” refers to the historical record of all violations.
?This historical record includes all violations such as infringement of intellectual property rights, excessive refund rate, excessive delayed delivery rate, store association, duplicate distribution, etc., which is wider than the “Historical record” in “Violation” → “Intellectual Property”.
?Violations that have not been reviewed by merchants or are still waiting for administrator review will not be immediately displayed in the history record. The record will only be displayed after the merchant abandons the violation or fails to pass the review by Wish.