For parcels delivered by store and home delivery that are returned due to the buyer not picking up the goods, if the order amount is US$20 or more, the Shopee platform will provide sellers with free return services. Parcels below US$20 are not currently available for return services.

If the buyer fails to pick up the parcel delivered by cash on delivery more than twice within 30 days, the buyer will be automatically disqualified from COD and will not be allowed to activate COD again within 90 days.

For orders with a cash on delivery amount of more than US$20 on Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam that are returned due to the buyer not picking up the goods, the US$8 return fee will be temporarily waived and the goods will be returned to mainland China free of charge. For orders with a cash on delivery amount of less than US$20 that are returned due to the buyer not picking up the goods, no return service will be provided and the goods will be handled uniformly by the Shopee platform. Any changes will be notified separately.

Parcels that have been shipped to the Philippines can currently be returned to Shopee’s return collection point in Manila. For orders returned due to the buyer not picking up the goods, if the order amount is more than 1,000 Philippine pesos, it will be returned to the domestic warehouse designated by the seller free of charge. If the order amount is less than 1,000 Philippine pesos, no return service will be provided and it will be handled uniformly by the Shopee platform.