On the Ozon seller platform, sellers can archive and retrieve warehouses as needed. This article will detail how to perform these operations to optimize sellers’ warehouse management.

1. Steps to archive warehouses.

Sometimes, sellers may want to archive a warehouse, especially when it is no longer actively used. Here are the steps to archive a warehouse:

Log in to the seller’s Ozon seller account: First, log in to the seller’s personal account.

Go to the archive page: In the seller backend, click “Logistics” on the top navigation bar, and then select “Warehouses and Methods”.

Select the warehouse to archive: On the “Warehouses and Methods” page, find the warehouse that the seller wants to archive, and then click the “Archive” option next to its name.

Handle unfinished orders and returns: If there are unpaid orders or returns in the warehouse, use the warehouse’s method to complete them. This ensures that there are no unfinished orders.

Zero inventory: After archiving a warehouse, the inventory of goods in the warehouse will be zeroed.

Archive logistics methods: If the warehouse uses specific logistics methods, they will also be archived with the warehouse.

Confirm archiving: Click “Archive anyway” to confirm the archiving operation.

2. Automatic archiving.

Ozon also provides an automatic archiving function. If the following conditions are met for more than 30 days, the warehouse will be automatically archived:

There are no products for sale in the warehouse.

The seller has not shipped from the warehouse to the shipping point.

The seller will receive a notification letter with the warehouse archiving date. If the seller starts selling or shipping from the warehouse again within 30 days, it will not be automatically archived.

3. Retrieve archived warehouses.

If the seller decides to use the archived warehouse again, here are the steps to retrieve the archived warehouse:

Log in to the seller’s Ozon seller account: First, log in to the seller’s personal account.

Go to the archive page: In the seller backend, click “Logistics” on the top navigation bar, and then select “Warehouses and Methods”.

Select the warehouse to retrieve: On the “Warehouses and Methods” page, find the archived warehouse that the seller wants to retrieve, and then click the “Retrieve from Archive” option next to its name.

Confirm restoration: Click “Restore” to retrieve the warehouse from the archive.

Once the seller has retrieved the archived warehouse, the seller can continue to sell the goods, but please remember to update the product listings, prices and inventory to meet new sales needs. Sellers can also specify the priority of warehouses to ensure that buyers can see products from specific warehouses.

By archiving and retrieving warehouses, sellers can manage their inventory and orders more flexibly to meet different business needs. These operations can help sellers use the Ozon platform more effectively and provide an excellent shopping experience.