The application modes of cross-border e-commerce can be divided into private network application mode, open Internet application mode and mobile business mode from the perspective of technical implementation.

The private network application mode is the earliest application mode of paperless trade. Whether it is developed countries (such as the United States and Japan) or emerging Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation economies (such as Singapore and South Korea), the implementation of paperless trade has gone through the private network application mode.

The realization of commercial data transmission in the private network application mode mainly relies on the highly corresponding closed EDI technology, and the network infrastructure is relatively closed. This model can avoid many coordination costs and has strong security, but the implementation cost is very high, including establishing standards and building a large amount of network infrastructure.

The open Internet application model that developed later got rid of the original closed and isolated information exchange system, and moved from the high-cost private network model to the open and low-cost Internet application model. The mobile business model is a new direction of miniaturization and convenience based on the open Internet application model. The mobility of corporate sales personnel can no longer hinder the application of paperless trade.