1. How to report force majeure? (Cannot find the reporting entry)

If you need to report force majeure, you can submit a work order through the Help Center, and our merchant customer service team will be happy to help you solve the problem.

Please note that sellers can only report on the platform by submitting a platform work order. We do not accept any other form of reporting.

2. What materials are needed to report force majeure?

If you are unable to meet the service level agreement (SLA) requirements due to force majeure, you need to prepare the following documents:

Shipping address.

Reason for reporting, including a detailed description of the force majeure event and valid official supporting materials.

Please note that valid supporting materials should include official government documents, such as a work stoppage certificate that clearly states the affected time. We do not accept screenshots (such as chat history screenshots, news screenshots, etc.) as supporting materials.

Shipping time and expected recovery time of affected orders.

3. How long does it take for the platform to review the seller’s force majeure application?

The platform will review the content you submit within 48 hours of receiving your application, and the review results will take effect the next day.

4. If the platform has extended your SLA, but force majeure still exists at the end of the extension period, do you need to inform the platform again?

If your area is included in the “force majeure adjustment area” and the platform has automatically extended your SLA, the platform will evaluate whether to automatically update the extension period based on actual conditions.

If you extended the SLA by submitting an application, you will need to submit a new force majeure application.

The above are the frequently asked questions about the force majeure period on the TikTok platform.