By type, Amazon accounts are divided into Individual (individual sellers) and Professional (professional sellers). Whether it is a company or an individual, you can complete account registration and start selling through Amazon’s self-registration channel. There is no difference in various permissions (traffic, number of products on the shelves, product review requirements, etc.) between accounts opened in the name of a company and in the name of an individual. According to the sales scale, Amazon’s sales plan is divided into individual sellers and professional sellers, corresponding to the Individual Selling Plan and the Professional Selling Plan. The main difference between the two plans lies in the fee structure and function usage rights. Taking the US market as an example, the “Individual Selling Plan” will be charged per piece, while the “Professional Selling Plan” account requires the seller to pay a monthly subscription fee.
The above two sales plans can be converted to each other. After the seller registers for the Individual Selling Plan, he can also upgrade to the Professional Selling Plan in the background by himself; if the seller registers for the Professional Selling Plan, he can also downgrade to the Individual Selling Plan later. Therefore, if the seller wants to sell on Amazon, even if he does not have company qualifications, he can also apply for the Professional Selling Plan on Amazon.
Sellers need to pay corresponding fees to the platform when selling goods on Amazon. The charging standards for professional and personal selling plans are as follows:
“Professional selling plan” fee = monthly rent + sales commission
“Personal selling plan” fee = per-item fee + sales commission
Depending on the site, the charging standards for opening a store on the Amazon platform are also different.
In detail, in addition to store rent and commission, the fees involved in opening a store on Amazon will also involve taxes, advertising and other fees.