There are many sellers on the Amazon platform who choose to follow the sale. Following the sale can quickly gain traffic, promote sales, and thus make the sellers profitable. So is it difficult to follow the sale? The following will be introduced in detail.

If a seller finds that another seller’s product is popular and has good sales, he will choose to follow the sale. Following the sale generally refers to the situation where different sellers use the same product details page. When following the sale, the seller is generally required to have the same product as the product details page, mainly including color, size, size, etc.

Amazon generally allows following the sale, because Amazon attaches great importance to products. The sale of products can bring traffic and popularity to the platform, so the platform allows following the sale. In addition, following the sale can reduce the continuous appearance of duplicate product interfaces, Amazon is also more convenient to manage, and it is also conducive to buyers to find products.

When sellers follow the sale, they need to pay attention to the following points:

1. First of all, the seller needs to ensure that the listing for following the sale has sufficient inventory and the product quality must be good. If the quality of the product cannot be guaranteed, do not follow the sale.

2. Although the Amazon platform allows following the sale, it also attaches great importance to brand protection. Therefore, before sellers start following sales, they need to check the product details page of the creator of the listing in detail, mainly including product pictures, logos, etc. They also need to check whether the seller has registered and filed trademarks to avoid infringement.

3. During the period of following sales, sellers need to pay attention to the prices of other sellers, adjust product prices in a timely manner, and ensure that the products have room for profitability.

4. Sellers need to check the listing products they follow every day to avoid the situation where the product information has been modified but they don’t know it;

5. Sellers need to note that the general price of following sales can be lower, but at the same time, a reasonable profit needs to be guaranteed;

6. When sellers follow sales, they need to pay attention to product details to avoid problems such as size, quantity, and color.

The above content has already introduced in detail whether it is difficult to follow sales on Amazon. For sellers who are just starting to do Amazon, they can choose to follow sales, which can quickly obtain traffic and is of great help to the stability of the account. When sellers follow sales, they need to pay attention to understanding the detailed information of the product to avoid following the sales of brand products and being punished by the platform.