International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is an international number designed specifically for identifying books and other documents. Publications that use the ISBN coding system include books, pamphlets, microforms, Braille prints, etc. That is to say, sellers who list publications on Amazon need to provide Amazon with an ISBN code.

Each book has a unique ISBN code. Books with ISBN codes indicate that the book is officially published. Currently, there are new and old ISBN codes.

The old ISBN code consists of 10 digits and is divided into 4 sections, namely the country code, publisher code, book sequence code, and check code.

The new ISBN code consists of 13 digits and is divided into 5 sections, that is, the 3-digit book product code “978” or “979” is added before the original 10 digits.

Both the old and new ISBN codes are valid. They can be used as search fields in online catalogs, thus adding a search method for users. On the Amazon platform, you can also use ISBN codes to search for books